Home Assistant: Housing the Raspberry Pi in an Argon One M.2 case
I am a fan of the Argon One M.2 case raspberry Pi case. I finally got my hands on one for the Raspberry Pi which runs my Home Assistant. The transfer wasn’t entirely straight forward. The notes below might help the next person doing this.
Home Assistant: Water leak detection and notification with the Aqara Water Leak Sensor
This week, I added a bunch of Aqara Water Leak Sensors to my home assistant setup.
Home Assistant: Detect whether the TV is on based on power measure of a smart plug
I plugged my TV into a smart plug which conveniently also measures power flow through it. I wanted to use this to detect whether the TV was on.
Home Automation: What works for me
Home automation has been an interest of mine for a while. Here, I collect notes on what worked for me. Both as a reminder for myself and in the hopes that it is useful to others dabbling in the space. This is not a tutorial for any of the devices mentioned. There are plenty of those available on the internet.